NEW: BookTube tours. Sign up to be a BookTuber host today!

Welcome to Booktube Tours. 

This is the place to be if you are an author that is looking to book a BookTube Tour to promote your book(s), a BookTuber who is interested in signing up to be a host for the next BookTube tour, or if you are a viewer who is interested in how the process works. Welcome!

BookTube Tours are where an author books a tour (please fill out the form below if you are an author who is interested in booking a tour) to promote their book.

Why BookTube Tours are a win-win for both BookTubers and authors:
-BookTubers: You get the chance to receive a book for free and the chance to be able to feature a brand new book to your viewers and the BookTube communityFree content alert with basically no effort except the super small requirements (read further below for requirements).
-Authors: You and your book are able to gain so much exposure with the help of the BookTube community since it's so huge. You gain followers on social media (especially through giveaways). Your book gains much more adds and interest on consumer websites. Book sales go up! (:

Please read below for more info on BookTube tours. 

The role that BookTubers play is to upload a video that only mentions the book so that way the book can reach a wider audience. The BookTuber can choose how much they want to be involved in the tour. For example, the requirement to be a part of a BookTube tour is to talk about the book and author in a video (can be a book haul, TBR video, etc.) for at least 45 seconds and to link the book to goodreads, amazon, and book depository and giveaway (if there is one) in your description. Optionals are reviewing the book in a separate video and promoting the book on social media. There is no requirement for the amount of subscribers that you have to have in order to sign up or participate in a BookTube Tour. Everyone is welcome to sign up and decisions are based off of quantity of books available. 

Here are the requirements (again) for a BookTuber if they would like to be a BookTube Tour host:
-talk about the book and author in a video (can be a book haul, TBR video, etc.) for at least 45 seconds
-link the book to goodreads, amazon, and book depository in your description
-link to the giveaway (if there is one) in your description.
------Optionals: reviewing the book in a separate video and promoting the book on social media

How it works:
1. BookTuber signs up to be a host
2. BookTuber becomes part of a mailing list in which they will be notified of when BookTube Tour sign ups are available
3. BookTuber signs up for a tour
4. If BookTuber is chosen to be a part of a tour they applied for, they will receive a book in the mail for free sent by the author 
5. BookTuber is assigned which week they have to upload a video that mentions the physical book other requirements
6. Booktuber may do additional optional requirements


Here is what expected from authors if they choose to book a BookTube Tour: 
-copies of the book are mailed to BookTubers (you choose how many copies you want to mail out and to which BookTubers)
-HD .jpg of your book cover and author photo
-synopsis of your book
-press release (if you have one)
-genre of book
-social media links
-website link


If you have any questions, feel free to comment on this page, or email Grace at Before emailing, please be sure to visit her FAQ (frequently asked questions) page to see if your question has already been answered. 

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